
Showing posts from April, 2014

Meal in a cup...captured! Made me laugh.

Love art?

Ryan J.

If you missed the Zero to 60 #midweekzap you can watch the replay on YouTube.

Thanks to the super #Zapsters who joined The Midweek Zap today!

Starts in one hour! Google+ engagement success!

Wild Wednesday #cat #wiggle. Enjoy.

Got my eye on you!

Delilah Taylor, Monogamous Temptress built an active following on Google+ in just two months.

How free are you with Google? Comment. Love to get feedback on this one.

Love this quote! Especially for my G+ friends.

Thanks Amig Von Hallen

Great circle idea.

The Midweek Zap is a quick 30 minutes of Google+ knowledge shared for you.

Combined #edges of dance and photography in a stunning, dramatic image.

Just had a great chat with Ryan J.

How do you engage?

Delilah Taylor, Monogamous Temptress shares how she hit the ground running on Google+...and fell in love.

Google invites is NOT letting me invite.

Floating filaments.

Be dazzled!

A droplet of love. Great capture.

Dashing blue.

It is not a sign of good mental health to adapt to a sick society.

Delilah Taylor, Monogamous Temptress built an active following on Google+ in just two months.

Good day, everyone! It's a Sunday relax day here.

Upside down breathing. The slothful way to conserve energy.

Saturday slows? Here's a quick perk up.

Leaping into #caturday

Leopard elegance. The stalking pose.

Lovely light.

If you want to know more about the new view counts on Google+.

Yep, it's Friday evening.

I love stepping stones. Over flowing water...even better.

On now! Talk about video.

Serious apian #edge .

Thanks for the invitation Jan-Vitaut Pecevich

Oh, this is so sweet. Makes me want to be a child again.

On now!

Always refining. A checklist for your profile page from Stephan Hovnanian .

In one hour Caroline Howard talks about making music, writing music, horseback riding, and

Egret production. Zowy contrast.

Music maker Caroline Howard is our #edgy guest.

Jumpin' kitty tails! Leapin' whiskers! Life can be fun.

Love the #edge of music? Meet Caroline Howard music writer and performer on this week's #HOA from #AVFTE!

Giant #edge of water!

Join us in an hour!

Guest Stephanie Tippie shares how Google+ broadened her business horizons in just 3 months!

Speaking out for education and truth. Admirable Malala.

Google in the robot business.

Wild kitty catching!

H/T Mia Voss Astounding tree house! What a vacation this would be.

Join the #midweekzap tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning I'll be sharing my Google+ experience on Abcs of Google+ HOA

Earth Day mountains.

Stephanie Tippie demonstrates how to get the word out for specific results.

Samuel Clemens, an #edgy quote master.

Joyous Easter!

Content Creation Tools. (AWESOME LIST)

Where are you in the alphabet of dance?

Hahahaha! This is a must share.

Black swan koi overlay. Under koi. Over swans.

H/T Bill Bassman Fantastic fantastical image.

Magestic tiger #caturday !

A bit over-processed for my image taste, but an #edgy vision of #edges

Northern island.

Wasp nest relocation. Step one. Way too #edgy for me.

#caturday laugh from Bob Voss

H/T Vladimir Samsonov

Midnight sun. Not there yet this year. Love this spectacular image.

Good morning!

Been a while since I've seen this. Still makes me laugh. Enjoy.

It's quality cat time, which means hangout out and reading with the kitties snuggled in.

Ural owl in silent flight.

I didn't know such a terrifying phenomenon existed.

Krithika Rangarajan sums up our #midweekzap chat yesterday with her sparkle and verve.

The thinker.

#edgy interpretation of Jump Into Bed!

Zorzi asked me to share this. Cats have an #edgy wild side that needs no explanation.

Not even in my youth could I do this one hand. Upside down #edge

Join us Thursday for a lively, #edgy hangout. This week Stephanie Tippie gives us her #edge !

Your personality counts on Google+.

Portraiture drama.

MIT course resource for the learning inclined.

As Ileane Smith said the other day, I've gone over to the dark side.

Guest Krithika Rangarajan will share her insights on bringing your personality to Google+.

Coyote night. The moon is out. Coyotes are yapping.

Are you communicating on Google+ or just posting your wares?

Cheetah essence captured.

H/T Rob Mosley Rich color and great composition.

Reminds me of my kitty Oscar, the movie cat.

H/T Sunny Cadwallader

Kestrel and prey. Captured on camera.

H/T Craig Fifield Tools to help your Brand Page.

Leopard cub head bump.

If you missed this and you are a solopreneur it's time to check it out.

Totally Awesome