Ammon Johns Ta Da! We are at the hotel. When should we expect Sharon?


  1. She made it.... Wonderful NEWS have fun

  2. We're headed into Brighton now, grab a meal there, then back to here for the show!  Did you get my message with phone numbers?

  3. Zara Altair the malt vinegar on the fish n chips is a must. Wish I was there with you. What a treat to spend time with Ammon Johns. Will you be seeing Lee Rickler? If so say hello for me

  4. We actually went for Barbecue at Smokey's in Brighton.  I figure that if an American has been in the UK 24 hours at this point they've either already had Fish and Chips by then, or didn't want it. :)

  5. Maybe we all need to take a trip to get some BBQ

  6. The large bag on the stove was the doggy bag just from the 2-person platter that Sharon and I ordered which was humungous.  I think that when they said 2 persons, they didn't mean portions, but that it was actually the size of 2 persons... :)

  7. Maybe one day I will take the trip and say hello to some of that #NONUSABBQ

  8. Ammon Johns they must be wrapped in newspaper, right? Also, she must probably should not have some beans on toast. One of my favorites.

  9. Wow, Mark Barrus that takes me back.  You know, I can't even remember now when I last saw a 'chippy' that wrapped in newspaper - certainly not in the last 20 years.  Health and Safety perhaps (hygene of paper)?  A tradition that's sadly gone.

  10. Ammon Johns truth be told, it was 1976 when I was there. A 16 year old Beatles fan standing in front of 3 Saville Row.

  11. Sadly I think the newspaper wrapping vanished along with bell-bottom trousers and super-wide Seventies lapels in the main with maybe a few traditionalists left by the 80s.  You know, aside from actual ceremony and pageantry, the Brits can be very bad at keeping tradition, or respecting it.

    I mentioned to Zara today that the Northern Line, one of the routes of London's Underground railway, was the very first all-electric railway in the world.  In any other country that would be a source of pride, and it would be venerated.  Yet here in the UK it is a much derided line for how old some of its technology is, and is massively underfunded.

  12. Interesting points about traditions. Here in the states we do have a sense of nostalgia, and we do tend to look back on happier times. We love old movies, documentaries, celebrities (Sinatra, Marilyn, Roosevelt).. And then there's the whole genealogy thing that we seem to obsessed with. All of us attempting to date ourselves back to our English roots. Mine's Irish for the most part. Maybe I just need to be "Ammonized".


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