I've been pretty quiet on Google+ the past few days.

I've been pretty quiet on Google+ the past few days.

 "Support" from far away islands in the Pacific Ocean Ma'am-ing me every 3 seconds, asking really dumb questions. Yes, still recovering from the great computer fail in April. Files found and transferred from PC to Mac. 

Catch-up data entry done.

Of course, my printer died this morning when I wanted to print just one page. More far away Pacific island Ma'am-ing. Hardware fail. Ordered new printer.

Once all those problems were resolved filing online was a snap.
No paper, not even that one page. Two states and federal in less than 90 minutes.

Taking the evening off.


  1. Sounds great Zara Altair, except for that "ordered printer" part...

  2. Oleg Moskalensky I agree. Did you cancel the Printer Order Zara Altair - just joking. Sometimes for some occasions we do need the printer don't we? Especially if we have to interact with government bureaucracy who want everything in writing in at least triplicate.

  3. It happened to me a week ago Zara Altair. My printer died after buying the cartridges and so I've gone 100% digital now. It was the last paper invoice that I'd been printing.

  4. Wow that sounds like crazy times for sure... Printers are good as I have one still but hardly use it however it is there when I need it vs. Paying through the nose for copies

  5. William Rock the ink to TOOO expensive.

  6. Justin Case Oleg Moskalensky Vivekananda Baindoor Rao Peter Hatherley William Rock Ray A Miller Thanks for the commiseration.:) It is true,  in the main, I hardly ever use the printer.
    However, when it comes to writing and script analysis I do use the printer. I don't like reading long work on screen. For example I print out a script to read and mark up with notes. And, at my writing group, Word Blenders, we print out copies of the five +/- pages for each person to comment and mark for future editing. So, in that case, I'm still "old-fashioned" and use the printer. 
    And for travel I print out itinerary and boarding passes. And, instructions on how to set my mobile to international and then wifi, so I'm not trying to divine instructions while jet lagged.:)
    For me, printers still have a use.


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