Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

Thinking Heisenberg. The think and its examiners.

Originally shared by David Amerland

The Future Of Cryptocurrency is Uncertain

"...would you care about a payments network that:
- Couldn’t move your existing money
- Had wildly unpredictable fees that were high and rising fast
- Allowed buyers to take back payments they’d made after walking out of shops, by simply pressing a button (if you aren’t aware of this “feature” that’s because Bitcoin was only just changed to allow it)
- Is suffering large backlogs and flaky payments
- … which is controlled by China
- … and in which the companies and people building it were in open civil war?

There is no part of the human activity spectrum apparently which is immune from a certain amount of self-serving idiocy. This is a long, knowledgeable read. Dive in:


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