Emulation is not Plagiarising

Emulation is not Plagiarising

Delightful and wise thoughts on modeling your business and implementation from On Track Tips | Wiser Sites 


Originally shared by Wiser Sites, LLC

Do You Suffer from Idea Insecurity Syndrome (IIS)?

LOL - okay, so I made up the IIS acronym, but this has to be the most common form of affliction amongst artists, entrepreneurs and other creative mavens!

By deeming an idea 'unoriginal' - and hence unworthy - we are not only belittling our talents, but are also hindering our own growth!

The funny part? VERY FEW ideas are original. 

APPLE a la Ritz Carlton mode

Apple is synonymous with innovation - no one can argue this fact!

I have never owned an Apple product, but those who do own an I-SOMETHING sing rapturous odes to this organization's creative prowess. From the plush packaging of their products to the streamlined in-store experience, each and every consumer touchpoint is nurtured with care.

Imagine my surprise, therefore, when the following article indicated that Apple's uber-successful retail model was NOT a NOVEL idea. It was based on the successful framework of  Ritz Carlton

Apparently, when Steve Jobs got ready to open the first Apple store, he learned that Ritz Carlton was the epitome of customer service in the B2C market. 

So what did he do? 

Mr. Jobs enrolled his employees in their leadership program to 'learn their strategies!' According to this article, the Apple Genius Bar concept and the anticipatory customer service model were both byproducts of this training! 

Anticipatory customer service refers to fulfilling even the unexpressed needs of consumers, which Jobs - and, consequently, Apple - excelled at! From the courteous introductions when a consumer walks into the store to the convenient exit strategies, Apple has perfected the concept of in store customer service

BUT it is perhaps safe to assume that had Jobs NOT enrolled his employees in Ritzs' training program, Apple's retail performance wouldn't have been quite as masterful!

So what are some key takeaways here:

a. The ingenuity of an idea isn't as important as the ingenuous execution of an idea.

b. Know what you want out of your brand and do everything to get it! Apple and Co. knew that customer service would be their key differentiator, so they figured out how to leave their clients with sighing hearts and smiling faces!

c. Remain in tune with the trends of the industry, so that you too can take advantage of them!

So, yes, the next time you struggle with the Idea Inferiority Syndrom, STOP and think about how Apple - the beacon of innovation - also built upon someone else's successful model, and find a way to put a sexy spin on a proven concept!

ENJOY your evening 


PS: Emulating is NOT the same as plagiarizing. When you plagiarize, you are suspending any kind of original thinking. When you are emulating, you are merely being smart and trying to lend YOUR distinctive voice to a successful idea!


  1. Disney has The Disney Institute which is another to look at for emulation, they have an interesting blog also - https://goo.gl/JvH5Lz

  2. Thanks for the share, GORGEOUS Zara Altair - Kitto here <3 #HUG

  3. On Track Tips | Wiser Sites Solid thinking!


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